Considering how so many people jump head first into workout programs with little to no coaching, it's easy to see how-while well-meaning-these efforts don't last. While exercising, someone can end up burning a lot of calories performing an exercise incorrectly, they'll also gain poor movement patterns either causing an injury during training, or during everyday like. That injury will no doubt start the unfortunate cycle of low activity, poor eating, negative thoughts, and zero progress.
Now, I don't want you to think that it's always the trainee or beginner's fault! Many times, new or misinformed personal trainers or fitness instructors won't take the time to really make sure their clients or students are performing the exercises correctly for the following reasons:
- Lack of coaching skills
- Lack of personal interest
- Doesn't "fit" their business model
- Thinks the client doesn't care, or the client actually DOESN'T care!
- Doesn't think the client will ever "lift heavy enough for it to matter"
An accomplished personal trainer or fitness instructor will work with you to fix movement patterns if necessary and to help you improve your performance of the exercises in question. A seemingly simple, but actually complex ballistic move like the kettlebell swing is a good example of where great coaching can make a huge difference to not only your safety, but will also determine how great your results will be. Besides, working out in this way will benefit your performance in any recreational sports or heavy lifting in the course of life.
Mindful movement can also be a great source of mental clarity and calm. So while you may (or may not) aspire to lift very heavy weights, or swing a giant kettlebell, your attention to detail during training sessions will improve your coordination, movement, and grace 24/7. So when beginning or getting back into an exercise program this year, find a qualified instructor or personal trainer who can help you learn and hone correct, safe exercise techniques-then prepare to succeed!
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